
River Valley Today

Friday, February 21, 2025

How much did farmers in Kennebec County receive in taxpayer-funded subsidies in 2021?

Webp haytractor

Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock

Farms in Kennebec County received $1,143,094 in taxpayer-funded subsidies in 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Of the 168 subsidies provided, the largest was for Gregory W. Goucher, which received $50,875 for the claim of "Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program".

The smallest subsidy provided to a Kennebec County farmer was $3 to Dana A. Suga.

There were 75 more subsidies than the year before, and the total value of the subsidies fell by $2,324,758.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

USDA data analyzed by the Cato Institute found that "farmers (on net) have derived almost 40% of their income directly from the U.S. government” in recent years.

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Subsidies Received by Kennebec County Code Farmers in 2021
Farmer$ ReceivedReason for SubsidyTotal Received in Subsidies by Farmer ($)
Gregory W. Goucher$50,875Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$52,875
Hickey Forest Products$50,875Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$52,875
David Roy$31,061Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$33,061
Howard K. Knight$23,505Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$25,505
Pittsfield Dairy$23,064Dairy Margin Coverage Program$72,965
Burt F. Whittier$21,117Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$23,117
Caverly Farms, LLC$16,699Dairy Margin Coverage Program$128,629
Flood Brothers, LLC$16,699Dairy Margin Coverage Program$137,026
Misty Meadows Farm, LLC$16,699Dairy Margin Coverage Program$131,580
Pittsfield Dairy$16,699Dairy Margin Coverage Program$72,965
Somerset Farms Operations, LLC$16,699Dairy Margin Coverage Program$129,645
Wright Place, LLC$16,699Dairy Margin Coverage Program$133,035
Flood Brothers, LLC$16,485Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$137,026
Caverly Farms, LLC$15,009Dairy Margin Coverage Program$128,629
Flood Brothers, LLC$15,009Dairy Margin Coverage Program$137,026
Misty Meadows Farm, LLC$15,009Dairy Margin Coverage Program$131,580
Pittsfield Dairy$15,009Dairy Margin Coverage Program$72,965
Somerset Farms Operations, LLC$15,009Dairy Margin Coverage Program$129,645
Wright Place, LLC$15,009Dairy Margin Coverage Program$133,035
Dana A. Suga$13,348Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$14,733
Tim Flood Cattle Company, LLC$12,957Dairy Margin Coverage Program$110,121
Caverly Farms, LLC$12,888Dairy Margin Coverage Program$128,629
Flood Brothers, LLC$12,888Dairy Margin Coverage Program$137,026
Misty Meadows Farm, LLC$12,888Dairy Margin Coverage Program$131,580
Somerset Farms Operations, LLC$12,888Dairy Margin Coverage Program$129,645
Wright Place, LLC$12,888Dairy Margin Coverage Program$133,035
Caverly Farms, LLC$12,809Dairy Margin Coverage Program$128,629
Flood Brothers, LLC$12,809Dairy Margin Coverage Program$137,026
Misty Meadows Farm, LLC$12,809Dairy Margin Coverage Program$131,580
Somerset Farms Operations, LLC$12,809Dairy Margin Coverage Program$129,645
Wright Place, LLC$12,809Dairy Margin Coverage Program$133,035
Tim Flood Cattle Company, LLC$12,533Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$110,121
Wright Place, LLC$12,528Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$133,035
Caverly Farms, LLC$11,945Dairy Margin Coverage Program$128,629
Flood Brothers, LLC$11,945Dairy Margin Coverage Program$137,026
Misty Meadows Farm, LLC$11,945Dairy Margin Coverage Program$131,580
Somerset Farms Operations, LLC$11,945Dairy Margin Coverage Program$129,645
Wright Place, LLC$11,945Dairy Margin Coverage Program$133,035
Tim Flood Cattle Company, LLC$11,646Dairy Margin Coverage Program$110,121
Misty Meadows Farm, LLC$11,029Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$131,580
Caverly Farms, LLC$10,255Dairy Margin Coverage Program$128,629
Flood Brothers, LLC$10,255Dairy Margin Coverage Program$137,026
Misty Meadows Farm, LLC$10,255Dairy Margin Coverage Program$131,580
Somerset Farms Operations, LLC$10,255Dairy Margin Coverage Program$129,645
Wright Place, LLC$10,255Dairy Margin Coverage Program$133,035
Caverly Farms, LLC$10,098Dairy Margin Coverage Program$128,629
Flood Brothers, LLC$10,098Dairy Margin Coverage Program$137,026
Misty Meadows Farm, LLC$10,098Dairy Margin Coverage Program$131,580
Pittsfield Dairy$10,098Dairy Margin Coverage Program$72,965
Somerset Farms Operations, LLC$10,098Dairy Margin Coverage Program$129,645
Wright Place, LLC$10,098Dairy Margin Coverage Program$133,035
Michael D. Brann$10,085Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$12,085
Caverly Farms, LLC$10,059Dairy Margin Coverage Program$128,629
Flood Brothers, LLC$10,059Dairy Margin Coverage Program$137,026
Misty Meadows Farm, LLC$10,059Dairy Margin Coverage Program$131,580
Somerset Farms Operations, LLC$10,059Dairy Margin Coverage Program$129,645
Wright Place, LLC$10,059Dairy Margin Coverage Program$133,035
Tim Flood Cattle Company, LLC$10,000Dairy Margin Coverage Program$110,121
Tim Flood Cattle Company, LLC$9,939Dairy Margin Coverage Program$110,121
Caverly Farms, LLC$9,273Dairy Margin Coverage Program$128,629
Flood Brothers, LLC$9,273Dairy Margin Coverage Program$137,026
Misty Meadows Farm, LLC$9,273Dairy Margin Coverage Program$131,580
Somerset Farms Operations, LLC$9,273Dairy Margin Coverage Program$129,645
Wright Place, LLC$9,273Dairy Margin Coverage Program$133,035
Tim Flood Cattle Company, LLC$9,268Dairy Margin Coverage Program$110,121
Somerset Farms Operations, LLC$9,137Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$129,645
Caverly Farms, LLC$8,605Dairy Margin Coverage Program$128,629
Flood Brothers, LLC$8,605Dairy Margin Coverage Program$137,026
Misty Meadows Farm, LLC$8,605Dairy Margin Coverage Program$131,580
Somerset Farms Operations, LLC$8,605Dairy Margin Coverage Program$129,645
Wright Place, LLC$8,605Dairy Margin Coverage Program$133,035
Bradley S. Pierce$8,414Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$8,414
Caverly Farms, LLC$8,122Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$128,629
Tim Flood Cattle Company, LLC$7,957Dairy Margin Coverage Program$110,121
Tim Flood Cattle Company, LLC$7,835Dairy Margin Coverage Program$110,121
Tim Flood Cattle Company, LLC$7,805Dairy Margin Coverage Program$110,121
Tim Flood Cattle Company, LLC$7,195Dairy Margin Coverage Program$110,121
Tim Flood Cattle Company, LLC$6,677Dairy Margin Coverage Program$110,121
Pittsfield Dairy$5,226Dairy Margin Coverage Program$72,965
Mark Pellett$4,264Seafood Trade Relief Program$4,264
Christine Rasmussen$3,798Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$4,600
Tim Flood Cattle Company, LLC$3,656Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$110,121
Gregory J Gorten$3,387Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$5,387
Caverly Farms, LLC$2,868Dairy Margin Coverage Program$128,629
Flood Brothers, LLC$2,868Dairy Margin Coverage Program$137,026
Misty Meadows Farm, LLC$2,868Dairy Margin Coverage Program$131,580
Pittsfield Dairy$2,868Dairy Margin Coverage Program$72,965
Somerset Farms Operations, LLC$2,868Dairy Margin Coverage Program$129,645
Wright Place, LLC$2,868Dairy Margin Coverage Program$133,035
Tim Flood Cattle Company, LLC$2,226Dairy Margin Coverage Program$110,121
Jason Ray$2,042Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Joy Ray$2,042Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Riverwind Farm, LLC$2,040Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$3,145
Gregory J Gorten$2,000Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$5,387
Gregory W. Goucher$2,000Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$52,875
David Roy$2,000Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$33,061
Burt F. Whittier$2,000Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$23,117
Hickey Forest Products$2,000Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$52,875
Howard K. Knight$2,000Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$25,505
Michael D. Brann$2,000Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$12,085
Dewey's Shellfish, LLC$1,976Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$1,976
Jason Ray$1,836Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Joy Ray$1,836Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Jason Ray$1,576Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Joy Ray$1,576Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Jason Ray$1,566Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Joy Ray$1,566Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Thomas Abbott$1,501Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$1,501
Jason Ray$1,461Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Joy Ray$1,461Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Katherine Webb M. Clark$1,409Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Nathan D. Clark$1,409Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Dana A. Suga$1,372Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$14,733
Katherine Webb M. Clark$1,266Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Nathan D. Clark$1,266Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Oakfarm, Inc.$1,265Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$2,379
Jason Ray$1,254Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Joy Ray$1,254Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Jason Ray$1,235Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Joy Ray$1,235Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Jason Ray$1,230Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Joy Ray$1,230Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Jason Ray$1,134Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Joy Ray$1,134Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Oakfarm, Inc.$1,114Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$2,379
Riverwind Farm, LLC$1,105Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$3,145
Katherine Webb M. Clark$1,087Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Nathan D. Clark$1,087Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Katherine Webb M. Clark$1,081Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Nathan D. Clark$1,081Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Jason Ray$1,052Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Joy Ray$1,052Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Katherine Webb M. Clark$1,008Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Nathan D. Clark$1,008Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Daniel M. Shea$978Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$978
Katherine Webb M. Clark$865Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Nathan D. Clark$865Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Katherine Webb M. Clark$852Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Nathan D. Clark$852Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Katherine Webb M. Clark$849Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Nathan D. Clark$849Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Katherine Webb M. Clark$782Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Nathan D. Clark$782Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Christine Rasmussen$743Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$4,600
Isaac Landreth$731Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$731
Katherine Webb M. Clark$726Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Nathan D. Clark$726Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Ronald R Leonard - Ronald and Shirley Leonard Trustee$707Price Loss Coverage Program$707
John Shostak$583Seafood Trade Relief Program$583
Tim Flood Cattle Company, LLC$425Livestock Forage Disaster Program$110,121
Jason Ray$351Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Joy Ray$351Dairy Margin Coverage Program$14,738
Pare Farms, LLC$330Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$560
Mark L. Brown$275Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$454
Katherine Webb M. Clark$242Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Nathan D. Clark$242Dairy Margin Coverage Program$10,168
Pare Farms, LLC$230Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$560
Barbara Estabrook$201Price Loss Coverage Program$201
Mark L. Brown$179Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$454
Karmyn J Costa$150Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$150
Christine Rasmussen$54Conservation Reserve Program - Practice Incentives Payment Program$4,600
Misty Meadows Farm, LLC$43Agriculture Risk Program - Individual Coverage$131,580
Flood Brothers, LLC$27Agriculture Risk Program - Individual Coverage$137,026
Flood Brothers, LLC$7Agriculture Risk Program - Individual Coverage$137,026
Dana A. Suga$5Agriculture Risk Program - Individual Coverage$14,733
Dana A. Suga$5Agriculture Risk Program - Individual Coverage$14,733
Christine Rasmussen$5Conservation Reserve Program - Practice Incentives Payment Program$4,600
Dana A. Suga$3Agriculture Risk Program - Individual Coverage$14,733


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